About Kerry Lugar ...Pakistan and USA F.Minsters





Minister (2k+ posts)
Just a little reminder to the both foreign ministers that conditions in the aid package are too serious to compromise for $1.5 billion,out of which pakistan will get only 60% of it.When bush started the war in iraq,he offered 26 billion dollars to turkey to let their forces into iraq but turkey's parliament rejected that offer then pakistan under musharraf accepted 600 million dollars and waived just one billion dollars U.S loan.What a shame for that damn govt who sold themselves so cheap and start having problems on the two fronts,east and west.pakistan is still paying the price for american's war,our army men are still dying in that fata area otherwise pakistan did't had any problem.what america thinks they are paying very hefty aid to pakistan,just forget it .How much america is spending in afghanistan in one month, about 8 billion dollars.since musharraf and zardari came to power from the side entrance,usa took advantage of it.These two clown, corrupt leaders sold their country pakistan for nothing.simce the 9/11 hoax started,pakistan stayed away from its natural and best friend china who helped pakistan in every sector of the defence and economic fields,also transferred technology but USA never transfer any kind of technology to pakistan .Pakistan should stay away from america who is our friend but not by heart when they need pakistan just to fight for them.Right now america needs pakistan to fight their war and wants to see the civil war in pakistan because jewish lobby has sorrounded the american administration.pakistan fight america's war and USA's strategic partner is india who is conspiring against pakistan by sending their trained afghanis and indians from afghanistan to pakistan under the nose of america but U.S is not saying anything to india because they want pakistan to become weak by outside and inside fighting, USA and his friends ,world bank and IMF should waive pakistan's foreign loans because pakistan is fighting for the last 30 years for america,pakistani blood is also not cheap either, is it not reasoable to ask for the right amount to lessen the burden on the poor nation .Pakistan was not rewarded for its sacrifices for americans, what they deserved for. china is our very very sincere friend. if pakistan dont get its foreign debts waived, pakistan should not take any order from U.S,hell with the little aid which is considered as nickle and dime.pakistan have to learn to stand on its feet itself.corruption have to be finished at all level,if someone found involve into corruption,should be hanged in public.Army have a chance this time to tell the corrupt politicians to bring their money into the country otherwise those corrupt will be dealt very severly.simplicity and modesty should be adopted.Follow the china's example,all we need is the honest and sincere leaders who will fix the economy and other problems.we should get out of the shadow of america because they want to see the civil war and destabilisation in pakistan .Leave USA alone and let them fight their own war which they will never win.If USA dont learn from their past mistakes in viet nam and soviets positions when they left in humiliation after 10 years then they will pay very dearly.Mr.obama is an honest and sincere person but he is surrounded by anti muslim hawks who want to weaken the muslim world by indulging them in fighting among themselves,muslim world has start ed recognising this zionist conspiracy.


Councller (250+ posts)