صدقہ مصیبتوں کو کیسے ٹالتا ہے ۔


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

صدقہ خواہ کم ہو یا زیادہ اس کی دس محمود خصلتیں ہیں ،پانچ دنیا میں اور پانچ آخرت میں۔

دنیوی پانچ یہ ہیں

اول ۔ مال کی صفائی
دوئم ۔ بدن کی صفائی
جیسا کہ ارشاد باری تعالیٰ ہے

خُذْ مِنْ أَمْوَالِھِمْ صَدَقَۃً تُطَھِّرُھُمْ وَتُزَکِّیْھِمْ بِھَا ۔التوبۃ۱۰۳
آپ ان کے مالوں میں سے صدقہ لے لیجئے،جس کے ذریعہ سے آپ ان کو پاک صاف کر دیں۔
سوئم ۔ بیماریوں اور مصیبتوں سے نجات
نبی کریم ﷺ نے فرمایا ، داووا مرضاکم بالصدقۃ ۔ بیہقی
اپنی بیماریوں کا علاج صدقہ کے ذریعہ کرو۔
چہارم ۔غریبوں ،مسکینوں کوخوشی فراہم کرنا اور کی مصیبتوں کو دور کرنا:اور یہ افضل ترین عمل ہے۔
پنجم ۔رزق میں برکت اور مال میں وسعت ہوتی ہے
ارشاد باری تعالیٰ ہے

وَمَآ أَنْفَقْتُمْ مِّنْ شَیْیئٍ فَھُوَ یُخْلِفُہٗ ۔ سبا:۳۹
تم جو کچھ بھی اللہ کی راہ میں خرچ کرو گے اللہ اس کا پورا پورا بدلہ دے گا۔

آخرت کی پانچ خصلتیں یہ ہیں۔

اول۔صدقہ اپنے صاحب کے لئے قیامت کی گرمی سے ڈھال بن جائے گا اور سایہ فراہم کرے گا۔
دوئم ۔ صدقہ سے حساب میں نرمی ہوگی۔
سوئم ۔اس سے میزان بھاری ہو جائے گا۔
چہارم ۔پل صراط سے گزرنے میں آسانی ہوگی۔
پنجم ۔جنت میں درجات کی بلندی نصیب ہوگی۔
صدقہ میں اگر کوئی بھی فضیلت نہ ہوتی سوائے مسکین کی دعا کے تو یہ بھی کافی ہو جاتا۔لیکن صدقہ کرنے کے اثرات واضح ہیں،اس سے مال اور اولاد میں برکت ہوتی ہے،مصیبتں ٹل جاتی ہیں،آسانیاں پیدا ہوتی ہیں جیسا کہ صدقہ کرنے والے کا دل بھی کھلا ہو جاتا ہے۔
امام ابن القیم ؒ فرماتے ہیں کہ،مصیبتوں کو ٹالنے میں صدقہ کی عجیب تاثیر ہے خواہ یہ صدقہ فاجر یا ظالم کی طرف ہو یا کافر کی طرف سے ۔ اللہ تعالیٰ اس کے ذریعہ سے بہت ساری مصیبتو ںکو دور فرماتے ہیں۔

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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Surah 91 AL-SHAMS–The Quran is the only source of light of guidance from God for humanity for this era for bringing about and maintaining a proper human community in this kingdom of the universe for ensuring their own well being with help and full support of each other for fulfilling the purpose for which God created all things including human beings.

This surah is named AL-SHAMS from root SHEEN, MEEM and SEEN. It has various meanings as explained already eg the sun, the star at the centre of this solar system. It means something that is always alive and active. Something or someone that is centre of attention of others. Something that is taken as an ultimate standard for something. Persians used to have symbol of sun on their flag and there used to be an idol by name of shams in Arabia due to which some people were called Abdush-shams-devotee of shams. There was a spring named shams in Arabia. Someone who is thought a man of great learning is also called the sun of the world of knowledge ie shamsul ulemaa. Parents call their children sunshine or twinkle of the eyes. Something that is thought of life giving or something that gives some purpose to life. Word shams also means sunshine, sun heat, sunny day, beloved, guide, leader or leadership, something that stands out, something outstanding or unique etc etc.

This surah is named AL-SHAMS because the Quran is a book of guidance from Allah that provides mankind with vitally important information for living in this world properly as a proper human community in a kingdom. It can lead mankind towards brilliant future through best possible program, constitution and law whereby mankind could organise and regulate themselves as a proper human community in a kingdom to fulfil the purpose for which Allah has created them. It is very important as already explained to realise how the Quran uses language to express ideas for guidance of mankind. The verses in this surah also have parallel meanings like other surahs. The idea is that as the sun is centre of attention of solar system and mankind because there will not be any life without it so the Quran should be the centre of attention of mankind because without it mankind will not be able to know themselves or guide themselves. In other words if man does not know his origin or how he works as a creature or machine or what purpose he is supposed to serve and what he needs to do so that the purpose of his creation is fulfilled then one is bound to suffer identity crisis because chaos and confusion in mind does not let man live in peace, safe and sound. The power of human brain and stimulating information man receives through his senses about the outside world does not let man live in peace due to curiosity it raises in human mind. So man not only needs food for living but food for thought as well. He not only needs water to live but knowledge as well that quenches his thirst of curiosity. The Quran as a revelation and the universe as a creation when studied together give mankind all that mankind need or will ever need.

The Quran uses language in a special way as explained already. Many of its verses even though use words that have concrete concepts attached to them they are mostly used for expressing abstract concepts and imagery. This use of language is inevitable because real situations mean nothing unless mankind have some thoughts about them that make sense to mankind. This is why proof is not just concrete reality out their but its sensible best possible explanation as well. By explaining all this universe and things in it including mankind in a brilliant way the Quran proves its heavenly origin. If we think about it, this is how scientists explain evolution ie by observing available evidences they then try to explain them in the best possible way they can. If their explanation proves to be the best then it is taken as a true explanation otherwise not. Just as missing links do not render the whole evolution theory false likewise absence of visible link between God handing over the Quran to the final messenger makes no difference. Putting this invisible link on one side and the information the Quran contains on the other side, the wise of the mankind cannot come to any other conclusion than saying, this book is not creation of mankind. So if it is not created by mankind and there are no other more intelligent creatures than mankind that we know of, the only thing that makes sense then is that it is true in its claim that it is work of God. In this Surah people are invited to pay attention to world all around them and try to see connection between all that exists and find their own rightful place therein and realise the role of divine advice. Failing to realise how universe is set up and operates or how people must understand it and find their own place in it and use it to their benefit could have serious consequences for mankind. An example of a people is mentioned as to what they did and what were the consequences of their actions for them. The divine advice was given to them but they fought hard against it thinking they could do things better their own way instead of following the guidance but they ended up in troubles by hands of each other. When people get into fights with each other and lose track or awareness of their environment then things happening in the natural world also affect them negatively due to their lack of awareness about them as well as their lack of attention to things which could cause them harm or destruction.

Proclaim! In the name of Allah, the provider of psychological, sociological and biological needs of mankind,

1] We present the sun and its brilliant sunlight as evidence of Our creation through Our revelation

These verses have parallel meanings eg they talk about physical universal realities as well as the Quran as a guidance book for mankind. They talk about information it contains as well as where that information can lead mankind if they bothered to understand and use it to benefit from it.

2] and the moon as it follows it

As explained already, word AL-QAMAR not only means moon in the sky but also the human community or the wise following that follows a wise leader or leadership. The Quran here is saying the moon follows the sun. The question is, what is meant by moon follows the sun? The light it gets from the sun and then reflects it which brightens up the place to keep away the darkness even at night in a pleasant way. So a human community that takes the light of knowledge from the creation and revelation and then acts on it reflects blissful, dignified and secure social environment or atmosphere all around. In other words mankind can make their God given world beautiful if they so chose with help of knowledge of the universe and the Quran.

3] and the day as it brightens it up

Day is also a period of time when mankind are happy due to progress and prosperity because needs and wants of people are satisfied. Not only that but during daylight all things that are before one’s eyes are visible to oneself clearly to see if one wishes to do so. Likewise information in the Quran makes clear for mankind things which people can never know otherwise.

4] and the night as it covers it up

Night is also a period of time when mankind suffer stagnation, regression and dire poverty etc etc. When people follow guidance of Allah their future becomes bright like daylight but when they fall away from guidance of Allah their future becomes dark like darkness of night. It is because wise people in a football game never take their eyes off the ball and they do their level best to score the goal. Rulers, money lenders and mullahs have ruined Muslim ummah by misleading it into believing all sorts of nonsense and doing all sorts of things that have no benefit for humanity. The main thing people need to realise is the fact that they are human beings and they have needs and they need to take very good care of their needs for living so that they are free to think about other God set goals. So long as mankind live by any way of life that fails to help them fulfil their basic human needs they cannot rise above the level of animals. This is how one can see whether mullahs have led ummah alright or have misled it for petty personal gains. The more ummah suffers by following Islam of mullahs the more mullahs tell them to do more of the same nonsense and surprise surprise, we the people are so foolish that we keep doing more and more of the very same which adds to our painful suffering. One has to ask, how dumb we the people can be as human beings?

The world is full of pilgrims visiting tombs and so called saints etc for what? To get help from God or so called his loved people with livelihood. These people never try to realise why God will give them a book if he did not want them to do things for themselves? Well It not be silly that Allah tells people here is a program for you to follow as a human family and if you will follow it faithfully all will be good and well for you but people instead of getting on with what they are told to do, take out their ultimate weapons ie prayer mats or run for tombs of dead people and seek help with livelihood that way? They wash up and get holy and then start begging God for all their needs and say do it for us. This is like a father tells his kid, go do your school work son so that you get some education. The kid instead turns round and starts begging the father, please dad, you do it for me. No wonder world is laughing at this ummah today and we get angry why they are doing that to us. Till this ummah wakes up and takes lead all our claims about the Quran will be thrown back at our face, why? Because world does not want to know the Islam we preach and that is because of the state of existence of this ummah ie they do not want to live like ignorant, illiterate, uneducated and poverty struck foolish Muslims. There criticism even though it is foolish is that if the Quran failed to guide Muslims to blissful and dignified life then how can it be any good for us? This question can only be answered if we the ummah wake up and start reading the Quran as it ought to be read ie for its proper understanding and putting into practice. If we did that then we will become world teachers and lead mankind to the end the Quran told us. However if Muslims have not followed the Quran that does not mean nonMuslims should not learn and follow it either because good solutions for problems can be adopted by anyone anywhere and they will produce the same end results. This shows not only Muslims but non-Muslims are also not sensible enough to realise what they are missing also ie sense of making proper sense of things. People need to become aware of the fact that just as darkness of the night covers up all things from the eyes of people so they cannot see them what they are likewise darkness of ignorance keeps things covered up from minds of people about which people ought to become aware through learning about them.

5] and the universe and all that which gave it its orderly structure

These verses could not be thoughts of mankind, particularly 1500 years back. It is because they are pointing to the processes, systems, mechanisms, structures, forces and laws involved in origin and evolution of the universe and things in it.

6] and the world and all that which caused its expansion

Word TAHAA is from roots TWAA, HAA and WOW/YAA. Concrete meaning of this root is filling something with something for a purpose to expand it. Something that is spread out evenly or in a controlled manner or in a balanced way. Also to extend, to stretch, to open widely, to expand, to enlarge, to cause something to grow in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

7] and the life and all that which controlled its evolution in an orderly manner,

Here the Quran is talking about origin of three kinds of things ie nonliving things, living things and human beings. Each is subject to certain laws that guide its existence for its set purpose. The universe is guided by design that suits its purpose of creation, the living things are guided by design that suits their purpose of creation and human beings are guided by design that suits their purpose of creation. Each of these are programmed in a different way eg living things function a bit different from nonliving things because living things have ability of choice. All other living things have very limited ability to choose as compared to human beings. So all the animals save mankind only depend upon instincts not revelation. This is what distinguishes mankind from all the rest of animals. Man despite being product of nature like all other animals is also able to control nature to a much greater extent than all other animals by understanding the forces of nature and using them to his own advantage.

8] and inspired mankind with revelation to use its inbuilt ability to learn what is consistent with its blissful, dignified and secure existence and what is harmful and destructive for it,

Word ALHAMA is from root LAAM, HAA and MEEM. Concrete meaning of this root is ability to reason things out to the utmost degree possible for a human being. Also to have ability to take in a huge amount of information or food or drink at any one time, to have huge capacity for reasoning things out, revelation, inspiration, to inspire, to motivate, drives, to have great drive or desire for getting something eg an idea or thing, curiosity or drive to find things out, notable person, fast horse, gulping, glutton, vast army, to instil something into something, be excessively greedy for something, a person with an inordinate capacity to receive or be able to withstand something, a person who has voracious appetite for something etc etc.

It has been explained already that so called troubling conscious does not mean man knows by his nature what is right and what is wrong. If man knew this then there will not be any need for him for revealed guidance from his creator and sustainer. What it means is the fact that humans have been created with ability to learn from their life experiences as well as from any teachings to reason things out for their harmfulness and usefulness or benefits. Therefore if man has become learned enough through life experience to distinguish between sensible information and nonsense then by looking at the information in form of an allegedly divine book one can find out if it is true or false by trying to make sense of it. Once this information makes sense then man knows it is true and from then on man can be guided by this information to live by. It is because a human has a brain as a machine that processes information and message from God is just information to be processed by human mind. So when it comes to brain and revelation the brain has priority because it is the processor and judge of the information. However once brain has reached its conclusion about the information that so called the revelation from God is in actual fact revelation from God then from now on revelation becomes driver and brain reads instructions and with help of senses and limbs or body turns it in to a reality that it ought to be. This connection or relationship between brain and revelation is of vital importance for people to become aware of and realise. One can see it in another way as well eg suppose you are given a map for building a bridge. All you do is look at the map and see if it makes sense and once it does then it is only a matter of building the bridge.

If troubling conscious is taken to mean knowledge of what is true or false and knowledge of what is right or wrong then human beings could not differ in this regard as they do. If one person believes one thing about something to be true, the other believes the opposite true about the same thing. This difference between people proves beyond a reasonable doubt that people do not know what is true or right already ie they are not born with knowing this information. This is why a Muslim believes Jesus as a messenger of God whereas a Christian believes Jesus as a God. Likewise a Jew does not eat certain things believing they are forbidden for him to eat whereas a Hindu has no problem eating them. On the hand a Hindu does not eat beef but a Muslim has no problem with eating beef. If a Hindu eats beef by mistake his conscious will trouble him because he has gone against his belief with which he is brought up. Likewise if a Jew eats pig by mistake he will have same problem with his conscious. This clearly shows that people do have troubling conscious but it does not mean what they believe or do is actually true or right. This is why to have true beliefs and to do what is right guidance from God is the only way to base one’s conscious upon, so that only when one goes against what is really true or really right that one’s conscious troubles one and not otherwise.

So when it comes to revelation of God, once you know this map makes proper sense then you accept the map and follow it by needed actions and turn it into a reality. If a program looks ok on the paper when thoroughly examined then it will be ok in reality as well. This is why the Quran seeks a bit of faith and trust from people about its program that even though it may look ok to people when they examine it yet time and needed proper action by mankind is involved in turning it into a reality. Moreover the idea that man has no freewill is silly because if that was true then human mindset, attitude and behaviour will be fixed and no modification will be possible. Because people can change their minds as they learn things, it is proof that man is free to an extent to make his own decisions as he sees fit as per his own information in his own mind. Humans can even change behaviours of animals through giving them appropriate training eg dogs and cats and animals used in circus etc. Human nature is only that with which one is born but rest is all learned behaviour and people are able to change even that with which they are born eg many people go under surgery to get modifications done to their bodies. Interaction between things within an environment affects all things and their environment because each modifies the other. So proper understanding of nature and nurture is important. The Quran is a program for people to become a proper human community in a kingdom to fulfil the purpose for which God has created all things including human beings. This program is named deen of Islam because upon following it faithfully rests blissful, dignified and secure existence of mankind.

9] so any people will surely prosper most possible who will work for their growth and prosperity as a proper human community in a kingdom for ensuring well being of each other with help and full support of each other,

10] and any people will for sure fail to be so and even perish who will live by way of life based upon foundation of personal gains at the expense of each other as that way of life prevents people from becoming a proper human community in a kingdom for ensuring their well being with help and full support of each other.

11] The people of Thamud denied themselves benefits of this advice and chose to do things their own way by going against this advice.

12] Behold! A man with harmful and destructive mindset, attitude and behaviour from among them was chosen to prevent Our advised way of life from taking roots in the land

13] even though their messenger from Allah said to them, this is a foundation from Allah for building upon a proper human community in a kingdom so let it satisfy our needs.

14] However they denied it its rightful role in their kingdom that is how they cut off the rule of law of Allah from their land. At length uprising overtook them by surprise as they were told by their Creator and Sustainer due to their inflictions of harm and destruction upon each other and that is how some of them were forced to end up a proper human community in a kingdom for ensuring well being of each other.

15] This happened to this human population because it was not paying due attention to the consequences of its own thoughts and actions for or against each other.

In these like stories Allah is helping people educate themselves as to how they should live. If they do not then actions and reactions always push mankind in the right direction regardless what people think of themselves and what they do on basis of their personal vested interests. If people do not learn from teachings then they are dragged along by each other kicking and screaming. In other words if there is no education based revolution then it is evolution based bloody revolution whereby only those survive who are fit enough to make it to the next stage. So in simple words like it or not mankind are forced to choose between life based upon revealed rule of law or life based upon laws of nature. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Revelation based education is though bloodless but it is highly demanding. One has to study whole heartedly and for a long time till an animal in human shape has become a human being in mind as well. Easier said than done and that is why most people run away from studying things and many are stopped from studying things by each other due to getting involved in negative competition with each other. However it is a case of falling out of frying pan into the fire. If you refuse to educate yourself then be ready to face the consequences for staying ignorant, illiterate, uneducated and untrained due to lack of thinking things through properly. See what is happening to such people all around the world ie clever people have taken over the world and all the dumb people are in a huge trouble looking for a way out but cannot find one. See if the situation people have put themselves in by running away from education has helped them or caused them even greater problems. Billions of people in the world are living worse lives than animals. So taking the easy way out at one time could mean rest of life full of painful suffering. This is why people need to wake up and enable themselves with help of proper education and proper training to decide what kind of world they want to live in so that they could create that kind of world for themselves through help and support of each other. This is what the Quran is about and that is the kind of help the Quran offers mankind.
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